United Through Reading Logos
3rd Annual UTR & STEP Joint Golf Tournament
Our 3rd Annual joint golf tournament with STEP raised $63,000
UTR in Action
Our service members recording stories for the children in their lives, and our military children enjoying those stories.
Tribute to Military Families
Our Annual Tribute to Military Families in Washington, D.C.
Storybook Ball
Our Annual Storybook Ball in San Diego, California.
Our Partners
Those who team up with UTR to reach our military families including Birdies for the Brave, Operation Shower, Candlewick Press, Jumpstart, NEA, and more!
Annual UTR & STEP Joint Golf Tournament
We join forces with Suppor The Enlisted Project to play golf and raise funds to support our military families.
United Through Reading Campaigns
Our annual reading campaigns including Read Across America, Read for the Record, and more!
Board, Staff, and Volunteers
Our family of trustees, staff members, and volunteers out and about at work for our military families.