
Read together every day, no matter the distance,
with our favorite read-aloud tips.

Reading to your child is special family bonding time. It shows them that reading is meaningful and fun. Reading aloud is also the most important thing you can do to prepare children for success in school and beyond.

We gathered twelve of our favorite tips to make reading aloud easier and more fun for both you and your child, whether it be in-person or on-video.


When children hear books read aloud, they come to understand why learning to read is important. They learn that people read for different reasons – books that tell a story can be read for pleasure; books full of facts and information can be read in order to learn new things. Children learn a great deal when they listen to books read aloud – they hear new words, learn new ways of saying things, and are introduced to new ideas, different people, and faraway places.

We wish you many wonderful hours of reading and fun with your kiddos!


Download our Read Aloud Tips Handout
