United Through Reading Announces Gillette as the Mission Reach Sponsor of its Operation Storytime Campaign
October 19, 2023
October 16, 2023, San Diego, CA – United Through Reading is honored to announce that Gillette Deodorant will serve as the Mission Reach sponsor as part of their Operation Storytime Campaign (unitedthroughreading.org/operationstorytime).
Mission Reach ensures reading reaches every part of our military community, especially underserved and historically marginalized groups. Through cultivating a book list that features diverse books to working with community partners, United Through Reading supports all military families to access their programs and reading resources.
“Since WWII, Gillette has supported the military and military families,” shared Christopher Talbott, Senior Brand Director of Gillette Deodorant, “and we are proud to support United Through Reaching in their outstanding mission in Operation Storytime.”
Gillette has supported United Through Reading since 2022, working together to support military families. This fall, United Through Reading is reaching more service members thanks to Gillette’s support, including attending the Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) Annual Meeting and Exposition, hosting local events with soldiers and sailors in Virginia, and supporting troops overseas.
“We’re so thankful for Gillette’s support of Operation Storytime. With their help, we’ll be able to continue our work reaching and working with underserved military and veteran communities. It’s long been important to United Through Reading to provide books that reflect our diverse military population, and Mission Reach helps us take that even further,” said Tim Farrell, United Through Reading’s CEO.
Operation Storytime is United Through Reading’s three-year campaign to connect #TheNextMillion military family members through shared storytime. Learn more at operationstorytime.org.