Early Literacy Language Development Resources
April 21, 2021
During our April 21 webinar focused on Advancing Literacy Skills in Military Children, Ms. Barbara Thompson and Dr. Lee Beers discussed the importance of literacy in all children, focusing specifically on how our military children face unique stressors.
With the help of our panelists, we have compiled a list of resources to help military families looking to promote literacy in their young children. United Through Reading is proud to partner with many of these organizations as well to support our military community.
Military OneSource offers a specialty consultation to identify resources for new military parents and has board books created by ZERO TO THREE that military parents can order. These resources, and many more from Military OneSource, are free to military families.
Read Out and Read integrate reading into pediatric practices, advise families about the importance of reading with their children, and share books that serve as a catalyst for healthy childhood development. Recently, United Through Reading was featured on their podcast, listen here.
The Thrive Initiative is a suite of evidence-informed parenting programs that are designed to empower parents and caregivers as they nurture children from birth until 18 years of age. They offer in-person and online programs, learn more on their website.
Dr. Patricia Kuhl, renowned scientist on language development, gave a TED Talk on the linguistic genius of babies.
Center for the Developing Child at Harvard have a guide to Executive Function to walk you through everything you need to know about these skills and how to develop and practice them throughout life, including helping your children practice their Executive Function skills.
ZERO TO THREE is a national organization focused on the well-being of babies, toddlers, and their families, and they provide a number of resources, including some specifically for military and veteran families.
Nursery Songs and Rhymes are a great way to help your little one with their blooming literacy skills, brush up on your favorites on YouTube.
Want more information on how United Through Reading is helping make literacy a priority for our military families? Read our white paper.